You're probably thinking i'm a student.. why am I posting so many blogs about new buys haha! But the truth is, these last couple of weeks have been Easter so I have been spolit :) And also, you can buy lots in Primark without spending much at all.
Necessities which myself and other students can't afford/don't want to buy, haha, such as underwear, socks and tights.. perfect just to get from Primark.

I bought the bag for £5- great to take on holiday on the plane i'm thinking :)
I found this dress below for £5 from £11- i'm going to staple abit of the sides together as it's abit poofy at the bottom and team it up with a belt, heels and necklace.

This blue top was £8 and the red

little t-shirt £1.50 as t-shirts are always handy to have. My mum's always kind when it comes to buying me casual useful clothes, other than the usual going out tops and dresses I like to buy.
Last but not least, my Mother treated me to some pyjamas.. the reason being I iterally don't own any!haha. Not bad set for only £5.70

"If people turn to look at you on the street, you are not well dressed." -Beau Brummel