Fancy dress at Uni is always the best, as from personal experience it takes hal

I find it always more fun to make your outfits using fabrics and random bits of material!
Since the beginning of Uni- a year and 5 months ago (crazy) I have collected soo much fancy dress stuff; material, props, fabric pens, which I have put into a little box :) some of it I honestly don't know where its come from but the rest I have mostly bought from Primark, Azkaban fabrics and some bits from the little fancy dress shop on the way to Hanley (will remember the name of it soon).

A pink tutu (Claires accessories-quite expensive but cute, pink and can wear often)
Glow bands
Bright yellow beads
Bright Yellow gloves (I have no idea where these came from)
A bright pink strap top (Bought in a topshop sale, good for summer time or winter under another top)
Footless tights (Have numerous amounts in different colours from Primark)
Fishnets (Primark)
Legwarmers (Yet again primark)
White shoes with bright yellow stripes (New Look- love New look shoes!)
And to finish the outfit off, a bright pink handbag which i actually bought from Oasis but it was down from £30 to £10.. bargain!

"All dress is fancy dress, is it not, except our natural skins?" - George Bernard Shaw
i love this! Fancy dress rocks! And once you've bought an outfit bits of it can be recycled for another outfit later. Plus it's so much fun and saves on xpensive normal outfits. Go Primark!!!