Thursday, 26 March 2009


Gok Wan..
I have always loved watching Gok Wan at his best in 'How To Look Good Naked'!
And when I stumbled across his Channel 4 homepage, my eyes were drawn to the 'Gok's style consultation' link. You can get a free virtual consultation and find out what outfits he recommends for your body. I have my own style of clothing so for me it's just abit of fun.

Click on the below link and you can go on a virtual shopping trip with Gok.

"I don't want to scare you too much, but the risk is.. death." - Gok Wan on the perils of not taking your make-up off at night.


  1. I love Gok Wan, good to know about the virtual consultation link, think I might give it a go!

  2. Omg..i never knew that you could die if you leave your makeup on at night..won't be doing that again!!!
